We are Multifaceted Advertising Engineers or as we call it “MAd-Engs” or IPPes (Ingenieros Polifaceticos de la Publicidad)

Political Campaigns
Doug Gallagher, FL (Hisp Campaign) - MEDIA/ CREATIVERudy Garcia, FL (District) - FULL SERVICE
Juan Carlos Planas, FL – MEDIAMarco Rubio, FL-MEDIA
Jose Luis Rodriguez, FL - MEDIA
Julio Robaina, FL - MEDIA
David Rivera, FL - MEDIA
Yolly Roberson, FL - MEDIA
Carlos La Casa, FL - MEDIA
Jorge Luis Lopez, FL - FULL SERVICE
Judy Waldman, Homestead, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVESteve Shelley, Homestead, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Jimmie Williams, Homestead, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Peter England, Homestead, FL - MEDIA
Jose “Pepe” Diaz, Miami, FL - FULL SERVICE
Sandra Ruiz, Doral, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Pedro Cabrera, Doral, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Mike Dipietro, Doral, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Patricia Zulueta, Doral, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Adriana Narvaez, Hialeah, FL - FULL SERVICE
Cindy Miel, Hialeah, FL - FULL SERVICE
Vanessa Bravo, Hialeah, FL - FULL SERVICE
Johnny Winton, Miami, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Carlos Gimenez, Miami, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Steve Bateman, Homestead, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVEManny Diaz, Miami, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Juan Carlos Bermudez, Doral, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Frank Bolaños, Dade County, FL - MEDIA/CREATIVEAgustin Barrera Dade County, FL – MEDIA
Jason Bloch-FULL SERVICEMiami-Dade County and Circuit Courts
Mark Blumstein-FULL SERVICE
Victoria Ferrer-FULL SERVICE
Samantha Ruiz-Cohen-FULL SERVICE
Jeri Beth Cohen - FULL SERVICE
Abby Cynamon - MEDIA
Maria Espinosa Dennis - FULL SERVICE
Diane Ward - MEDIA
Jaqueline Schwartz - MEDIA
Robin Faber - MEDIA
Gloria Gonzalez-Myer - MEDIA
Steve Leifman - MEDIA
Valerie Manno - MEDIA
Antonio Marin - MEDIA
Larry Schwartz - MEDIA
Bronwyn Miller - MEDIA
President George W. Bush - FULL SERVICE (FL)Republican Party of Florida - MEDIA/CREATIVE
Rick Scott - for FL Governor - MEDIABennett Brummer - MEDIA
Floridian for Patient Protection - MEDIA
Trial Lawyers of Florida - MEDIA
City of Miami - MEDIA
Salute Our Troops - FULL SERVICE
Tallahassee Presentation / Speaker of the House, Johnnie Byrd - CREATIVE
Haitian American Foundation - FULL SERVICE
City of Miami /Amendments - MEDIA
Diaz Family Foundation - FULL SERVICE
Cuban Political Prisoners in Exile - MEDIA
Gwen Margolis - FULL SERVICE
Harvey Ruvin - FULL SERVICE
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - MEDIASenator Mario Diaz Balart - MEDIA